Thursday, May 7, 2009

Strictly Music

It was headbanging until they made it funny. We meant the local acts. Seemingly bands no longer play good music, they're into singing jokes. They have gone as far as composing KUGMO songs and TAE songs. Geez.

We ask: what for? Grab attention?

Well that ultimately made Cebu's music scene somewhat a big prank. If you've been tuning closely to it we're certain you will have observed the same. It's not that you will care enough to scribe placards and yell “WE DESERVE QUALITY MUSIC!”. However in as quickly as you can dismiss and switch that dial to some better track, likely a foreign piece, you are part of the audience that deserves fine music - from the bands we call our own. If not for your time then at least to the batteries waning life in your portable tuner.

It's about time we do some spotchecking in this backyard. At first we were told to keep it easy and just enjoy, it was the high it brings afterall, they said. And so we did that we're even pass the malt limit to tolerate such butchering.

Music should be entertaining. It is given. A line, a repetitive phrase, or a full stretch of words integrated with a beat and some tune can be music to the ears. There are no hard rules to making it, no one could care less either. It's very essence – it is self expression.

It is when it becomes something else that makes this universal equation odd. When it no longer becomes self expression but a means to serve superficial objectives. The band who merely wanted to be famous, they have bred, ladies and gentlemen. And they would sing whatever you like just to get you into their fan base.

It is a sad unfolding. Now that there's easy access to musical instruments and studios, add to that audio editing softwares anyone can get a pirated copy of, and some play-all radio stations, it has become a large scale feat, without realizing its true casualty – the overall music scene. Time will be that Cebu's brand of music may fall purely under the likes of cheap novelty songs and fancy jingles.

Hence, we take this critical stance. We thought a straight-to-the-point review about the local scene will help those involved refine their craft, listeners and bands alike. This is no expert opinion and we are not the all-knowing, nonetheless, it is an opinion. If we say you suck, maybe because you really suck. That comment need not be made with a doctorate.

If you are with a band, stick around and we'll help you decide if you're better off as a rockstar or as stand-up comedian. If you're the faithful listener, we'll recommend which one is worth the following.


1 comment:

  1. I appreciate more musicians coming from cebu.. I don't know why there are a lot of talented musicians rising in cebu.. I've been there for 4years and were able to see their products.
