Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Next Segment

“Make your own kind of music; sing your own special song…even if nobody else sings along… (Cass Elliot)”

I thought the line was a good jump-off point for our next segment. It has been years since I gave myself time to listen in to my favorite radio station and sometimes my taxi ride provided me glimpses of what is going on in the local scene. Occasionally, the dial is tuned in to a station which plays local talents on a regular basis. I appreciate the fact that some of these stations are finally supporting local acts but I say that with caution.

If one would ask me about the state or the quality perhaps of the musical creation I only have one thing to say: It’s a joke!

I simply couldn’t enjoy myself listening to songs which ridicule human condition with careless arrogance. If this is the best the Queen City’s purported purveyor of the genre could offer then I submit it’s either the media is run by idiots or perhaps they simply couldn’t care less and is just riding on the waves of sniggers & guffaws generated by songs which I wouldn’t dare mention.

“Music should be used in order to make a serious statement” according to Morrissey of The Smiths. So, with the kind of staple playing on some local FM stations what statement are they trying to convey? Cass Elliot sang those lines as a reaction to the establish order that music should be good enough to sell. So, make your own kind of music but some wiseass would argue that in fact this is exactly what the local scene is doing singing their own kind of music. However, remember this “Suck the morrows of life but don’t choke on the bone… (Robin Williams). You tried to be different but at what expense? I know for a fact that there are a lot of talents out there who are passionate about music and that passion is actually reflected in their songs. Sadly, we have yet to hear from them.

Rise above mediocrity; dig into the deepest crevice of your soul and let your heart sing the most passionate word your voice could bellow. Sing against the established order with no fear. The first time I catch “the Ire” played on the radio – Eyes Above was the song - I thought the future of independent music in Cebu is bright. With limited resources that band was able to pull off something enviable. I thought that song has it all – excellent song and the recording was quite impressive.

Today’s “indies” are a far cry from the bands coming out in the early 90’s. I thought the whole scene is in regression.

Any thoughts from you music fans would be greatly appreciated.

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